History VM Version
Usually, a hard fork will bring a new CKB-VM version in CKB network history for better security, performance, bug fixings and new RISC-V extensions. This article lists all the version of CKB-VM from previous hard fork history.
One thing to be noted is that, even the hard fork brings upgrade to the network, it is important to prevent the hard fork from breaking the old Script codes. CKB makes best efforts to ensure users have the opt-in option to specify the VM version for their Script. For the specific mechanism that determines how the CKB node chooses the CKB-VM version for a transaction Script group, please refer to vm-selection.
VM 0
Since the genesis of CKB network.
Full description: RFC
Instruction Set
architecture: based on core RV64I ISA with M standard extension for integer multiplication and division, and C standard extension for RCV(RISC-V Compressed Instructions)
Full description: RFC
- Exit
- Load Transaction Hash
- Load Transaction
- Load Script Hash
- Load Script
- Load Cell
- Load Cell By Field
- Load Cell Data
- Load Cell Data As Code
- Load Input
- Load Input By Field
- Load Header
- Load Header By Field
- Load Witness
- Debug
Cost Model
Full description: RFC
Specify the cycles needed by each CKB VM instructions or syscalls.
- Cycles for RISC-V instructions are determined based on real hardware that implement RISC-V ISA.
- Cycles for syscalls are measured based on real runtime performance metrics obtained while benchmarking current CKB implementation.
Initial Loading Cycles
For each byte loaded into CKB VM in the initial ELF loading phase, 0.25 cycles will be charged. This is to encourage dapp developers to ship smaller smart contracts as well as preventing DDoS attacks using large binaries. Notice fractions will be rounded up here, so 30.25 cycles will become 31 cycles.
instructions Cycles
All instructions consume 1 cycle except the following ones:
Instruction | Cycles |
JALR | 3 |
JAL | 3 |
J | 3 |
JR | 3 |
BEQ | 3 |
BNE | 3 |
BLT | 3 |
BGE | 3 |
BLTU | 3 |
BGEU | 3 |
BEQZ | 3 |
BNEZ | 3 |
LD | 2 |
SD | 2 |
LDSP | 2 |
SDSP | 2 |
LW | 3 |
LH | 3 |
LB | 3 |
LWU | 3 |
LHU | 3 |
LBU | 3 |
SW | 3 |
SH | 3 |
SB | 3 |
LWSP | 3 |
SWSP | 3 |
MUL | 5 |
MULW | 5 |
MULH | 5 |
MULHU | 5 |
MULHSU | 5 |
DIV | 32 |
DIVW | 32 |
DIVU | 32 |
DIVUW | 32 |
REM | 32 |
REMW | 32 |
REMU | 32 |
REMUW | 32 |
ECALL | 500 (see note below) |
EBREAK | 500 (see note below) |
Syscall Cycles
As shown in the above chart, each syscall will have 500 initial cycle consumptions. This is based on real performance metrics gathered benchmarking CKB implementation, certain bookkeeping logics are required for each syscall here.
In addition, for each byte loaded into CKB VM in the syscalls, 0.25 cycles will be charged. Notice fractions will also be rounded up here, so 30.25 cycles will become 31 cycles.
VM 1
introduced from 1st Hard Fork – CKB Edition Mirana (2021)
Full description: RFC
Instruction Set
- Added the RISC-V B extension (v1.0.0) 1. This extension aims at covering the four major categories of bit manipulation: counting, extracting, inserting and swapping.
- 10 MOPs added:
Opcode | Origin |
ADC 2 | add + sltu + add + sltu + or |
SBB | sub + sltu + sub + sltu + or |
WIDE_MUL | mulh + mul |
WIDE_MULU | mulhu + mul |
WIDE_MULSU | mulhsu + mul |
WIDE_DIV | div + rem |
WIDE_DIVU | divu + remu |
FAR_JUMP_REL | auipc + jalr |
FAR_JUMP_ABS | lui + jalr |
LD_SIGN_EXTENDED_32_CONSTANT | lui + addiw |
No new added syscalls.
Cost Model
- For all B instructions, 1 cycle will be consumed.
- 10 MOPs cycle cost:
Opcode | Origin | Cycles |
ADC 2 | add + sltu + add + sltu + or | 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 |
SBB | sub + sltu + sub + sltu + or | 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 |
WIDE_MUL | mulh + mul | 5 + 0 |
WIDE_MULU | mulhu + mul | 5 + 0 |
WIDE_MULSU | mulhsu + mul | 5 + 0 |
WIDE_DIV | div + rem | 32 + 0 |
WIDE_DIVU | divu + remu | 32 + 0 |
FAR_JUMP_REL | auipc + jalr | 0 + 3 |
FAR_JUMP_ABS | lui + jalr | 0 + 3 |
LD_SIGN_EXTENDED_32_CONSTANT | lui + addiw | 1 + 0 |
VM 2
introduced from 2nd Hard Fork – CKB Edition Meepo (2024)
Full description: RFC
Instruction Set
5 MOPs added:
Opcode | Origin | Description |
ADCS | add + sltu | Overflowing addition |
SBBS | sub + sltu | Borrowing subtraction |
ADD3A | add + sltu + add | Overflowing addition and add the overflow flag to the third number |
ADD3B | add + sltu + add | Similar to ADD3A but the registers order is different |
ADD3C | add + sltu + add | Similar to ADD3A but the registers order is different |
Added 8 spawn-related syscalls and one block-related syscall:
Full description: RFC
Cost Model
- 5 MOPs cycle cost:
Opcode | Origin | Cycles |
ADCS | add + sltu | 1 + 0 |
SBBS | sub + sltu | 1 + 0 |
ADD3A | add + sltu + add | 1 + 0 + 0 |
ADD3B | add + sltu + add | 1 + 0 + 0 |
ADD3C | add + sltu + add | 1 + 0 + 0 |
- Spawn syscall cycles:
Syscall Name | Cycles Charge |
inherited_fd | 500 + SPAWN_YIELD_CYCLES_BASE |
process_id | 500 |
load block extension | 500 + BYTES_TRANSFERRED_CYCLES |